Lush Butterbear


I'm not usually a bath sort of person, probably because our wifi doesn't reach the bathroom so no Netflix for me, and really what else are you supposed to do in there? But when my lovely housemate Camara got me the Lush Butterbear for Christmas, I had to try it.

Firstly, it's so cute, and quite hardy - while he did loose an arm on the journey home he stayed mostly intact (nothing worse than opening a beautiful bath bomb and realising all you have is a bag of scented powder!). He also smells wonderful, quite cinnamon-y, not too overpowering, which is very relaxing and Christmassy. 

As I'm writing this from the bath (#livetweeting your bath bomb should totally be a thing), I should also say that it feels amazing on your skin, I feel super soft and relaxed right now, and because it dissolved completely, there are no annoying bits, and I don't have to clean the bath after!  


My only complaint is that it disappeared completely, there were non of the usual fun colours, glitters, fizzes- it fizzed once and disappeared. That's a tiny complaint though, in comparison to how velvety soft I am right now... 

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