The life of a university drop-out...
14:02During the last year at university I have been very unhappy; unhappy with my course, with the town, with everything really. I made the decision to drop-out at the start of the Christmas holidays, and although I am so much happier, it was also one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make...
I chose to go to university on a whim, after getting better a-levels than I had expected. Never having a firm idea of what I wanted to "do" with my life, I chose art because I enjoyed it. Upon arriving at university I almost instantly knew that it wasn't for me. I made excuses; I missed my boyfriend, I was homesick, I didn't get the party lifestyle. I should have left then, but I stuck it out for the year, and decided to get a flat with friends in the second year (although I loved my housemates this year, getting the flat was a massive mistake).
My advice for anyone who is unhappy is to talk to your parents, your student adviser, anyone who you feel can help. Try and stick it out for the first year, but have back up options; apply to different courses/ universities, a job to go back to. Don't feel pressured into any decisions.
Leaving university and making my first tentative steps into the adult world has been really hard, I'm muddling through, applying for jobs, waitressing part time, and possibly moving in with my boyfriend next year (shhh, that's a secret for now). I might go back to university next year, or the year after, but for now, I'm happy getting happy.