Goodbye Summer

This summer has been a funny one; I've been working full-time as a receptionist, as well as working as a waitress in a local pub, trying to save up for university. I've been to see friends in Cardiff, been on holiday to Cornwall, and had day trips out here and there. It's absolutely flown by... It felt like the longest summer until it was suddenly over - I woke up on September 1st and it was instantly autumn. The sun was low in the sky, frost was on the ground and the nights are certainly drawing in.

Dealing with my worst ever acne breakout

 I have always had very pale, sensitive skin, and have always struggled with it... Its been too dry, too red, I've had acne, freckles, flaking, every skin care problem really. Its never been horrendous, until I woke up after a trip to Cardiff - my skin had became red, sore and acne ridden literally over night. While I'd always had bad skin, it had never been this bad. Time to take action.
